Thursday, July 30, 2015

A early trip to the ER

Today started out early with a trip to the ER. I think we left the house around 4am. Chloe was running a fever and with the port in her body and the increased chance of infection any fever is a trip to the hospital. This was kind of a shock because just the day before was probably the best day she has had in a long time. Her attitude was closer to normal and she was having fun playing with her brothers. It made us so happy the see her playing dress up and swinging on her new gorilla gym (As seen on TV).   Anyway, they ended up admitting her and we will probably be here for a few days. It really puts our life on hold every time we come here.  Chloe is doing ok, but she has still has a fever, cough and some congestion. They said she will have to stay until 48hrs after the fever breaks.  As of now they think it could be some kind of virus but we will probably know more soon.
Please pray she gets better and we can go home as soon as it is safe for Chloe.  We are finding out soon ( by Monday ) the results of her marrow biopsy, and we pray that the cancer is gone.
Thank you for all you have done for us, and for keeping us in your prayers.
Thank you,
Andrew ( Chloe's Daddy )

2am in the hospital - just woke up to her covered in IV fluid and blood. Her IV hose came apart in her sleep. It was very traumatic having to hold her down to redo her access to the port. She was very upset as you can imagine.  Please pray that she doesn't get a infection from having a open IV

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