Chloe and our family have made it through induction! It was rough but it's over. I am so glad that the month of steroids is done. Those steroids are gnarly. We are so glad to see Chloe getting back to her normal self. She is playing, talking, and just much happier all around. Her appetite has started to subside and hopefully her bloating will go away with it. Chloe's hair has gotten very thin from the chemo. The shedding seems to have slowed for now but the doctors say she will probably lose more.
We had a meeting with her doctors where they reviewed her test results and her upcoming treatments. All of the factors that they take into account for her treatment were great. They said she is in the elite of the leukemia patients. Although they put her in "low risk" her treatment will be the same as a standard risk patient. We were hoping that she may get a lighter treatment being in "low risk" but those clinical trials have ended. This could be a blessing though, because they know that this treatment is proven to have a high percentage rate of success. There could have been a chance that with a lighter treatment that it may not be as effective, I suppose. I know that God is in control and leave it in His hands. We are so thankful that she is in remission.
Please continue to lift Chloe and our family in your prayers as we go through her treatment. She will be having a lumbar puncture this morning and today we start the next phase of the treatment plan. Thanks for your continued prayers and support, it has been so helpful through Chloe's battle with cancer.
Thank you,
Andrew (Chloe's Daddy)